It was a cold and rainy day, which is odd because it was the middle of summer in Southern California. Jim walked to his car from his office. He had been working late again. The traffic was light, so he would be home in no time he thought to himself. Jim got into his car and started to turn the key. No sooner than the began to hear the engine turn over, it let out a loud whaling sound. “What’s going on?” Jim thought to himself. There should’ve only been the radio playing because he hadn’t started the car yet! Immediately there was a flash of bright orange light and then everything went black.
Jim woke up being shaken from side to side with severe force by someone who seemed incredibly strong and forceful. It was dark outside but there was moonlight that dimly lit the road he was laying on. At either side of him were tall trees with thick green bushes underneath them which seemed to go on for miles. He didn’t live anywhere near a forest, he had no idea where he was. He could only see the silhouette of his assailant, who seemed to be dressed in some sort of dark-colored cloak with large protrusions on their back. Their bright red eyes blazed at him. Jim started shouting.
“What do you want?! What’s going on? Where am I?!” The person then abruptly stopped shaking him, their eyes turned a subtle hazel, and turned away from him. Then Jim heard a familiar voice say “It’s me Mom. We are in Oregon. You weren’t safe.” It was then that Jim realized how much pain he was in as well as that his shirt had been torn open; revealing what appeared to be eight large crescent shaped scars on his chest which were surrounded by even more scar tissue which made it look like… wings!
His Mother had died in a car accident only two years before. Not only was he in the middle of a forest, but he was seeing his Mother alive again. Could it be?
With a sudden rush of emotions, Jim grabbed his mother’s hand and immediately felt relief from the sharp pain in his chest. Jim opened his eyes to see who he thought was his mother standing next to him but instead saw only an outline of her body. He knew that this couldn’t be his Mother, but she was still there. Jim reached out and touched the outline and instantly felt a surge of energy course through him. Again he saw the wings, but this time on the silhouette of his mother’s back.
As he began to become fully aware of the cold damp ground, the light breeze against his face, and the sound of his mother’s voice fading away, he realized something very important, he had died. He was now going to be reunited with his mother and other loved ones who have passed on.
The moments turned to minutes, and then a realization came to him. He still felt alive. He felt the crisp evening air, he could smell the musty ground, and he knew that he was still on Earth. He couldn’t be dead.
Jim was not sure what had happened to him, but he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to explain this to anyone. Not only did he have no memory of how this happened, but it was impossible for anyone else to believe him!
Jim steadied himself on the side of the road, looking around to get a better understanding of where he was. He felt for his phone and wallet, and found that they were still in his pockets. He knew he couldn’t go to the hospital or any professional because they would lock him up for this! He just wanted answers and there was one place that has all of them: The Internet!
It turns out Jim was what they call a “Cambion” – the offspring of a human and a supernatural creature, in Jim’s case an incubus. Although cambions have no memory of their own supernatural heritage, they often possess some instinctual magical ability. However, as he now found himself hundreds of miles away, he was finally starting to believe all this supernatural stuff was for real!
His first instinct now that he had some sort of idea what this meant was to find anyone else who also shared his lineage. There were certain websites dedicated to the subject which could tell him about any local groups or gatherings of other cambions in the area. Some of them even had forums in which members discussed encounters they had with other supernatural beings, and that’s exactly what he was looking for!
It turns out there were quite a few Cambions in Portland Oregon who hosted get togethers every month. The answer to his problems seemed simple enough: Go to these gatherings and find someone else!