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Death Metal Pool

The pool seemed like a good idea, but in reality it was just a death trap. I mean, c’mon….pool in the middle of a Death Metal show?! It was inevitable that Scooby and our brother Forrest were going to be drawn into the riptide of mayhem headed by the man with no name…Kyle Thomas himself!

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Let’s Make A Haunted House – Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Daniella had been an account executive and marketing manager for years in Los Angeles before moving back to her hometown. She knew how to create excitement for her clients, and now she was going to put that experience into something for herself. She looked around the room as she started feeling the place

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Let’s Make A Haunted House – Chapter 1

She was going to buy this house, unless of course, she could find a way to make it pay for itself, and that’s what had her sitting on the porch this morning as she waited patiently for Mildred Collins’ Buick to turn into the driveway. “Doesn’t look like much,” said Mildred, glancing at Daniella from

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